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Click here KPC Constitution to open a downloadable pdf document


1. The club shall be known as Kinson Photo Club (KPC), hereinafter referred to as the Club

2. The objectives of the Club are:

(i) to promote the art of photography

(ii) to encourage members to develop and improve their photography by means of club competitions and practical evenings

(iii) to provide a varied selection of guest speakers covering all aspects of photography


3. Membership will be open to everyone aged 16 or over who has an interest in photography, whether beginner or experienced. The committee reserves the right to refuse membership.


4. Subscriptions will be set each year at the AGM by majority vote, and will apply from the start of the following subscription year, which runs from 1st September to the following 31st August. Subscriptions will be due at the first meeting of the year, and should be paid within one calendar month.


5. Prospective members and visitors may attend club meetings on payment of a fee, decided at the AGM. If a prospective member joins the club, the fees paid up to that date will be deducted from the subscription fee for the current year.


6. The affairs of the Club will be managed by a committee elected at the AGM to serve for the following year. Existing committee members may stand for re-election, either to their existing role or to a different role. Any paid-up club member who has been a member for a minimum of six months may also put himself/herself forward for election to the committee; such member must be nominated and seconded by other paid-up members, including existing committee members.


7. The committee shall consist of:

(i) Chairperson (two year term)

(ii) Vice-Chairperson

(iii) Secretary

(iv) Treasurer

(v) Programme Secretary

(vi) Competition Secretary

(vii) Webmaster

(viii) Publicity Secretary

(ix) At least one Members' Representative


Any one Committee Member will be eligible to fill more than one position.


8. Club funds and monies will be held in a bank account in the name of the club. Purchases of equipment for the club will be approved by the Committee. The Treasurer will submit accounts for the year at the AGM. The Club's financial year will run from 1st July to the following 30th June.


9. The Club will hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) in May each year. The Club Secretary will give notification of, and distribute the agenda for, the AGM no later than three weeks beforehand.


10. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called by the Committee or by a group of club members. In the latter case, this must be signed by at least 25 per cent of the membership, stating the purpose of the meeting, and submitted to the Secretary at least fourteen days in advance of the proposed date. The Secretary will give notice of the EGM and its purpose at least seven days in advance of the proposed date.


11. At an AGM or EGM, which must be attended by at least three committee members and 25% of the ordinary membership (ie. not Committee members) shall form a quorum.


12. Entry to Club Competitions is available only to fully paid-up members of the club. There is a separate set of Rules for Club competitions.


13. Club meetings will be held on Monday evenings at 7.30pm, from September to the following May, except on Bank Holiday Mondays. Meetings will normally finish by 10pm. Meetings will normally be held at the Club premises, but occasional online or outside meetings may be held instead. Outdoor meetings are held on an ad hoc basis during the closed season (June, July and August).


14. Any changes to the Club constitution can only be made at the AGM or at an EGM.


15. Any decision to dissolve the Club, or amalgamate with another club, may only be taken at an AGM or EGM. On dissolution, and after discharging all debts and liabilities of the Club, the remaining assets are to be given to a charity approved at the General Meeting. In the case of amalgamation, the remaining assets will be combined with those of the other club.

© Kinson Photo Club 2024 All rights reserved. You are not permitted to copy, download or disseminate any images or content without the written permission of the Kinson Photo Club Committee or the owner or author of the image or article.

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